Call for Officer, Directors
Lowertown Neighborhood Association
Call for Officer, Directors
The Lowertown Neighborhood Association is seeking 3 people to run for the following positions:
Director – appointed by the Board until October, 2022, then elected for a 1 or 2 year term
This person must be a resident of Lowertown, or the owner or operator of a business within Lowertown. This Director will become a member of the Board of Directors and Officers, helping the President to set policy and promote the Lowertown community, and representing the interests of the members of the Lowertown community.
Representative Director – appointed by the President to serve until October, 2022, then may be reappointed.
This person need not be a resident of Lowertown, but must have some connection to the business community within Lowertown. This Director will become a member of the Board of Directors and Officers, with the same duties as other Directors, but in addition, this Director shall serve as liaison to the business community in Lowertown, and help to promote their interests.
Parliamentarian – appointed by the Board until October, 2022, then elected for a 1 year term.
This person must be a resident of Lowertown, or the owner or operator of a business within Lowertown. The Parliamentarian shall serve as the authority on the rules of order and the conduct of meetings of the LNA. The duties of the Parliamentarian include, but are not limited to: assisting the President in managing meetings, and advising on parliamentary procedures; reviewing the Bylaws, suggesting any changes and chairing the ByLaws Committee, if any; and resolving disputes on questions of parliamentary procedure.
A candidate for one of these positions must complete this Interest Questionnaire (linked), and may also submit a resume or other materials. The candidate should submit these materials to . Candidates should be available to attend the next LNA meeting on April 14, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Northrop Community Center 201 8TH St, NW.