Lowertown Neighborhood Association Bylaws
Lowertown Neighborhood Association
Article I. Name, Organization, Boundaries, and Purpose and Mission
A. Name: The name of this organization shall be the Lowertown Neighborhood Association (hereafter “LNA”).
B. Organization. LNA is organized under the RNeighbors organization, Rochester, Minnesota’s Neighborhood Resource Center. RNeighbors is a 501 3(c) Not for Profit entity. Under RNeighbors, LNA is a not for profit association.
C. Boundaries. The boundaries of LNA are as follows:
a. On the North: The Zumbro River
b. On the East: The Zumbro River and Silver Lake
c. On the South: The railroad tracks at Civic Center Drive
d. On the West: Cascade Creek
D. Purpose and Mission: The purpose and mission of LNA is to promote a vibrant, healthy, and livable community, to enhance the neighborhood, and to bring neighbors together. To achieve these goals, among other efforts, LNA will:
a. Promote neighborhood cohesiveness and pride through the organization of community improvement projects, activities, groups and social events.
b. Promote a thriving economy to support our new and existing businesses. c. Promote a culture of sustainability in the way we live and how we are perceived by others.
d. Develop a healthy and sustainable community through the promotion of walking, biking, and sourcing local foods.
e. Create a sustainable community infrastructure through collaboration.
f. Create a vibrant public realm which we all can enjoy.
Article II. Membership and Protocols
A. Membership Eligibility. Any person who resides within the boundaries of LNA, as set forth in Article I, shall be a neighborhood member of the LNA. Neighborhood members (hereafter “Neighbor” or “Neighbors”) shall include all persons residing within the same household. Neighborhood members shall also include property owners of businesses operating within the boundaries of LNA, and business owners renting a property within the boundaries of LNA.
B. Monthly Membership Meetings. Monthly Membership Meetings will be held on the second Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in the evening, or at such other day and time as the Board shall advise by written notice to the Neighbors at least 7 days prior to the new meeting date and time. If a meeting date is continued for any reason, the Board shall advise by written notice to the Neighbors as soon as practicable.
Monthly and Annual Membership Meetings shall be held at the Northrop Community Education Building at 201 8th St., NW, Rochester, MN, 55901. If the meeting location changes, the Board shall advise by written notice to the Neighbors as soon as practicable.
At any meeting, each Neighbor will sign in on the attendance sheet for that meeting, providing the Neighbor’s address within LNA (as proof of residency and eligibility to vote), and an email address and cell phone number, if any, where notices may be sent. Thereafter, unless the address, email or cell phone changes, the Neighbor can indicate on the sign in sheet that such information is “on file” with LNA.
C. Annual Membership Meeting. The LNA will hold an Annual Membership Meeting in October of each year, at the same time and place as the regular Monthly Membership Meetings, or as otherwise set by notice. The order of business at the Annual Membership Meeting shall be to elect officers and directors, to vote on any proposed changes to these Bylaws, and to consider any other business which may come before the members.
D. Quorum. A quorum for any meeting of the LNA shall be a minimum of five (5) attendees present at the meeting, whether in person or by digital means, who are eligible to vote on matters before the Neighbors. Decisions will be made by majority vote.
E. Membership Voting. Each Neighbor 16 years of age or older who is a resident of a property within the LNA boundaries, or who owns or rents a business property within LNA, shall be entitled to vote in LNA Monthly and Annual Membership Meetings. Each Neighbor shall have one vote. A Neighbor who owns multiple properties within the boundaries of the LNA shall have only one vote. A Neighbor who both owns and rents a business property within LNA shall have only one vote. A Neighbor who owns a residence and a business within LNA shall have only one vote.
Neighbors must be present at the meeting in order to vote. A Neighbor may be present in person, by digital means, or by telephone. No Neighbor may vote by absentee ballot or by proxy. Eligibility to vote shall be established by means of identification of a home residence address within LNA boundaries for residents, or a business address within the boundaries of LNA, for business owners or renters. Such identification may include a state issued ID card, a business card, a utility bill, or other reliable indicators of residence, or ownership or rental of a business within LNA boundaries.
Article III. Board of Directors
A. Elected Directors, Election and Term of Office. There shall be five Directors of LNA. Four Directors shall be Members elected by the Neighbors at the Annual Meeting, and one Director, the Representative Director, shall be nominated by the President, and elected by the Board of Directors at the same meeting, as set forth in Article III, Section B below.
Those wishing to become candidates for an elected directorship shall complete the LNA Questionnaire for Directors and Officers, as set forth in the Standing Rules, and may also supply a resume. Current Officers and Directors running for re-election may, but need not, update information on their Questionnaires, resumes or other materials previously submitted. All such information about candidates shall be made available to the Board members and to the Neighbors as soon as practicable prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. All candidates for elected office must be Neighbors.
Except for the Representative Director, Directors will be elected by Neighbors at the Annual Membership Meeting. In cases where a candidate for elected Director does not receive a majority of the vote, successive run-off elections of the top two candidates for each unfilled board seat shall occur until one candidate receives a majority of the vote.
The terms of office of Elected Directors will be staggered so that only 2 will be up for election at any Annual Meeting. This means that for the Annual Membership Meeting in 2022, two Directors will be elected to serve a 1-year term, and 2 Directors will be elected to serve a 2-year term. Thereafter, all elected Directors will serve 2 year terms.
If there are insufficient candidates for all of the Director or Officer positions, those serving in those positions shall continue to do so until the Annual Membership Meeting, or until their successors shall have been elected. Each Director, whether elected or appointed, may serve up to a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms at one time. After a year without holding office, the Director may run again.
A vacancy in any elected Director’s position may be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors, subject to a majority vote by the Neighbors at the next meeting. If confirmed as Director, such Director shall serve to complete the existing term.
B. Appointed Director, Term of Office.
LNA wishes to reach out to and include in its community people who work within the boundaries of LNA, but are not Neighbors as defined in these Bylaws, and therefore, do not have the right to vote at Monthly or Annual Membership Meetings. To include them, the Board wishes to appoint a representative of that group to act as the Representative Director. The President shall nominate, and the Board shall appoint the Representative Director. The Representative Director shall serve as a liaison to other people working within the boundaries of LNA, and shall represent their interests on the Board of Directors. The Representative Director shall have the right to vote at Board Meetings as any other Director, but shall not be eligible to vote as Neighbors do at Monthly and Annual Meetings if the Representative Director is not a Neighbor who is eligible to vote as defined in these Bylaws.
The Representative Director shall be appointed to serve a 1 year term. In the event a suitable candidate as defined in this paragraph is not available, the President may nominate and the Board may appoint any other person to the office of Representative Director to carry out the duties set forth in this Article.
Those wishing to become candidates for the position of Representative Director shall complete the LNA Questionnaire for Directors and Officers, as set forth in the Standing Rules, and may also supply a resume. All such information about candidates shall be made available to the Board members and the Neighbors as soon as practicable. A vacancy in the Representative Director’s position shall be filled by nomination by the President and appointment by the Board of Directors, and the new Representative Director shall serve to complete the existing term.
C. Board of Directors’ Meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet quarterly during the months of February, May, August, and November. Such meetings may take place immediately preceding the Membership Monthly Meeting for that month. The Board may also call Emergency or Special Meetings to address issues that require attention before the next regular meeting. The Board will send notice of such meetings to Neighbors as soon as practicable.
D. Attendance. Directors are required to attend all Board and Monthly Membership meetings. A Director may be removed for three (3) unexcused absences.
E. Resignation or Removal. Any Officer or Director may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board members (Officers and Directors) in writing. Such notice may be sent by email or by text message. Such resignation shall take effect on the date of receipt of such notice or any later time specified in the notice of resignation. An Officer or Director may be removed for malfeasance or other cause, or without cause. Removal requires a 2/3 vote of the Neighbors at the meeting in the case of elected directors. Notice of such meeting must be given to the Neighbors, stating that one purpose of the meeting is the removal of a Director or Officer, and providing pertinent information about the reason for removal. In the event that no quorum is reached at the Neighbors’ meeting, the Board may remove the Director by majority vote. The Representative Director may be removed by majority vote of the Board.
Article IV. Officers
Following the election of Directors at an Annual Membership Meeting, the Board of Directors shall, by majority vote, elect the following Officers to serve a term of 2 years, to perform the duties designated below. Officers should be Neighbors. However, If no qualified Neighbor volunteers to serve, the President may nominate and the Board may vote to elect a candidate who is not a Neighbor, but who has the requisite qualifications for the office of Treasurer or Parliamentarian.
A. President: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the LNA. The duties of the President include, but are not limited to: setting the agenda for meetings; presiding over all Board meetings and Monthly Membership Meetings; performing such duties as the Board and Neighbors from time to time authorize; and representing the position of the Board and the interests of the LNA.
B. Vice-President: The Vice-President shall be the Second Executive Officer of the LNA. The duties of the Vice-President include, but are not limited to: fulfilling the duties of the President when the President is absent or unable to serve; and performing such other duties as requested by the President.
C. Secretary: The Secretary shall serve as Secretary of the LNA. The duties of the Secretary include, but are not limited to: taking and maintaining minutes of Board meetings and Monthly Membership Meetings; obtaining contact information including street addresses, email addresses and cell phone numbers for Neighbors who sign up for minutes or newsletters, or who come in person to Membership Meetings; preparing and maintaining attendance lists for all meetings; and verifying membership eligibility for Neighbors to vote at Monthly and Annual Membership Meetings. The Secretary shall also assist the President with correspondence and keep and maintain the membership records of the association.
D. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall serve as the Chief Financial Officer of the LNA. The duties of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to: having charge of all funds belonging to the LNA; collecting all monies due the LNA, keeping accurate records; depositing monies in the bank account in the name of the LNA; paying all funded bills incurred by the LNA; conducting research for grants and grant writing; and presenting a Treasurer’s report at each Board meeting, Monthly Membership Meeting, and at the Annual Membership Meeting. The Treasurer may sign checks in the amount of $100, but checks for more than $100 must be co-signed by either the President or the Secretary.
E. Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian shall serve as the authority on the rules of order and the conduct of meetings of the LNA. The duties of the Parliamentarian include, but are not limited to: assisting the President in managing meetings, and advising on parliamentary procedures; reviewing the Bylaws, suggesting any changes and chairing the Bylaws Committee, if any; and resolving disputes on questions of parliamentary procedure.
Upon the election of the above Officers, they shall become voting members of the Board of Directors, and the full name of the Board shall be the “Board of Directors and Officers,” though it may still be referred to as the “Board of Directors.”
If there are insufficient candidates for all of the Officer positions, those serving in those positions shall continue to do so until the Annual Membership Meeting, or until their successors shall have been elected.
F. Order of Substitution of Presiding Officers. In the event the President is unable or unavailable to preside over a meeting, the Vice-President shall preside. In the even the Vice-President is unable or unavailable to preside, the Secretary shall preside. If the Secretary is unable or unavailable to preside over a meeting, the Treasurer shall preside. If the Treasurer is unable or unavailable to preside, the Parliamentarian shall preside. Any officer may decline to preside in favor of the next officer in the succession to preside.
G. Vacancy in Office. A vacancy in any elected Officer’s position may be filled by special election by the Board of Directors prior to the Annual Membership Meeting. If confirmed as Officer, such Officer shall serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Article V. Committees
Any Board Member may propose the formation of a Committee of the LNA. Such committee shall report to the Board monthly. The President shall appoint a Neighbor to chair the committee, and the Chair shall recruit members of the Committee from among the Neighbors and any others who may be interested in serving or have needed expertise. As one of its first orders of business, the Committee shall determine what budgetary needs it has, if any, and make application to the Board for such funds.
LNA shall have the following Standing Committees:
A. Events and Activities. This committee shall be responsible for creating a plan of events and activities designed to further the goals of LNA, to reach out to membership, and to give Neighbors the opportunity to enjoy one another’s company.
B. Communications Committee. This committee shall be responsible for outreach to Neighbors by various means, which may include email, text, flyers, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, news release, newsletters and any other communication method it may adopt. The Committee will advise of upcoming meetings, events, activities, neighborhood news, and accomplishments of the LNA.
The Board may create such other committees as it deems necessary or helpful to achieve the goals of the LNA, including other Standing, Select or other permanent or temporary committees.
Article VI. Bylaws, and Amendment of Bylaws
The LNA may adopt such Bylaws as it deems necessary or helpful to the functioning of the LNA at any Membership Meeting. Bylaws or amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted in writing to the President at least thirty (30) days prior to the next quarterly Board meeting, and the President shall disseminate the proposal to the Board as soon as possible. The Board shall discuss the proposal, make any changes it deems necessary or advisable, and if approved by the Board, notify the Neighbors of the proposal at least 7 days prior to the next Monthly Membership Meeting of Neighbors.
The Neighbors shall vote to approve or disapprove the proposed Bylaws or amendments. If they are approved by a 2/3 majority of the Neighbors present, they shall take effect immediately. If any part of the Bylaws or the application thereof is held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the Bylaws shall not be affected, and shall stand, and only the affected portions of the Bylaws will be eliminated and become inoperative.
Article VII. General
A. Standing Rules. The LNA shall adopt such Standing Rules as it may deem necessary or helpful to the functioning of the LNA. The Board may amend such Standing Rules by a majority vote of the Board members present.
B. Parliamentary Rules. The LNA will adopt and follow the Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, except as amended by the LNA Standing Rules and Bylaws.
C. Meetings Not in Person. The Board may hold meetings for the Board or the Neighbors by utilizing Zoom or other digital technology to communicate. Notice of such meetings shall be sent to the Board and to Neighbors as soon as practicable. If an Officer, Director or Neighbor is unable to attend an in person meeting, the Officer, Director or Neighbor may attend by means of any device utilizing Zoom or other digital technology, or a cell phone using sound and microphone. The Neighbor may prove eligibility to vote by means of showing an ID with an address within LNA on the digital platform, or giving an address by telephone during the meeting. The Secretary shall confirm the Neighbor’s eligibility to vote.
D. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of LNA shall be from January 1 to December 31.
E. Financial Liability. No Officer, Director, representative, spokesperson or member (Neighbor) shall have any financial liability for the debts of the association.
F. Notice. Except as otherwise indicated, when notice is required under these Bylaws to be given, it may be given by delivering a writing by digital means to any Neighbor for whom LNA has an email address or cell phone number. Notice may also be given by posting on any social media site where LNA has a presence, including Facebook and Nextdoor.com. LNA shall use reasonable efforts to give notice as set forth in this paragraph. Such notices will be deemed to have been received when sent or posted.
As Amended this 13th day of October, 2022.
Benjamin Zastrow
Mary Idso