Call for Officer, Director

Lowertown Neighborhood Association
Call for Officer, Directors

The Lowertown Neighborhood Association is seeking two people to run for the following positions:

Director – To be elected by the Neighbors for a one-year term October 2022-2023

This person must be a resident of Lowertown, or the owner or operator of a business within Lowertown. This Director will become a member of the Board of Directors and Officers, helping the President to set policy and promote the Lowertown community, and representing the interests of the members of the Lowertown community. 

Treasurer – Ideally, this person will be a Neighbor (resident of Lowertown, or the owner or operator of a business within Lowertown) and will be elected by Neighbors. But if no Neighbor volunteers, a Treasurer may be appointed by the President from outside Lowertown, and such candidate would be a person who has the relevant skills to serve as Treasurer. In either case, the Treasurer will serve for two years. 

The Treasurer shall serve as the Chief Financial Officer of the LNA. The duties of the Treasurer include, but are not limited to: having charge of all funds belonging to the LNA; collecting all monies due the LNA, keeping accurate records; depositing monies in the bank account in the name of the LNA; authorizing signers on the account; paying all funded bills incurred by the LNA; and presenting a Treasurer’s report at each Board meeting, Monthly Membership Meeting, and at the Annual Membership Meeting.

A candidate for one of these positions must complete this Candidate Application Questionnaire (linked), and may also submit a resume or other materials. The candidate should submit these materials to laurazastrow(AT)gmail(DOT)com.

Candidates should be available to attend the next LNA meeting on September 8th, 2022 at 6:30 pm at the Northrop Community Center, 201 8TH St, NW.


Call for Officer, Director


Press Release: Spirit of Lowertown Week