Lowertown’s Businesses & Organizations
Premiere placement in the first section of our business guide. Photo of your choice, up to 150-character write-up. Up to two lines or contact information, plus a button linked to your website.
Lowertown Bistro
Your favorite local spot to grab a cuppa joe or a croissant.
Just a walk away from your home or shop.
Phone: (507) 123-4567
Address: 123 Fake Street
Your photo or logo, and up to 150 characters, plus your choice of: street address; phone number; or linked web address.
Tier Two Sponsors will be listed on the second section of our business directory, after all Tier One Sponsors, in a two-column section on full-page desktop websites. -
Five-Oh-Seven Mechanics, Inc.
Lowertown has trusted 507 Mechanics with their autos since 1975! We fix it all, from your tail pipe to your headlight, just a walk from home.
Lowertown Business & Organization Directory
We’ve compiled this alphabetical list businesses and organizations located within Lowertown based on the information available locally and online.
To request an addition or change to your Lowertown business, kindly email lowertown.rchmn@gmail.com.
Abu Huraira Islamic Center
530 6th Ave NW
www.masjidabuhuraira.org -
All American Antiques
411 2nd Ave NW
(507) 289-4844
www.allamericanantiques.com -
Arment & Associates LLC
American Family Insurance
923 N Broadway
(507) 289-2939
agent.amfam.com/Travis-Arment -
America's Best Clean
1201 N Broadway #6840
(507) 280-8171
www.americasbestclean.com -
Baraka Super Gasoline & Grocery
1003 N Broadway Ave
(507) 287-6446 -
Bishop Management
922 N Broadway Ave
(507) 285-5757
www.bishopmgmt.com -
Bob's Auto Body
215 5th St NW
(508) 289-2886 -
Box Drop
1207 2nd Ave NW
(507) 722-2470
www.boxdropmn.com -
Broadway Car Care
515 N Broadway
(507) 424-3097
www.broadwaycarcare.com -
Broadway Dental Care
922 N Broadway Ave #101
(507) 289-5838
www.broadwaydentalcarerochester.com -
Broadway Laundromat
1117 N Broadway Ave
(507) 285-5870
www.broadwaylaundromat.com -
Building Restoration Corporation
412 2nd Ave NW
(612) 789-2900
www.buildingrestoration.com -
Cheap Charlies
11 5th St NW
(507) 289-9591 -
Clover and Rose
519 2nd Ave NW
(507) 319-4038
www.cassandrabuck.net/clover-rose -
Collins Feed & Seed
411 2nd Ave NW
(507) 289-4844
www.collinsfeedandseed.com -
Cronin Home
825 W Silver Lake Dr.
(507) 282-6952 -
Dairy Queen
538 N Broadway Ave
(507) 251-9021 -
Darrel's Muffler
625 N Broadway
(507) 287-8387
www.darrelsmufflershop.com -
Data Smart
903 N Broadway Ave
(507) 288-3619
www.data-smart.com -
DCF Services
211 5th St NW
(507) 285-9652 -
Dirty Birds
902 N Broadway
www.sacredheartstudiosmn.com/dirtybirds -
Dwell Management Group
923 N Broadway
(507) 285-9652 -
Electrical Solutions & Service
109 7th St NE #13
(507) 315-9473
www.letsgetwiredmn.com -
Exit Realty
17 12th St NE
(507) 258-6464 -
Finery Bridal Chic
1104 N Broadway
(507) 517-8039
www.finerybridalchic.com -
Flowers By Jerry
122 10th St NE
(507) 289-3967
www.flowersbyjerry.com -
Fluff N Buff Dog Grooming
501 4th Ave NW
(507) 218-8388
www.fluffnbuffdoggrooming.com -
Fox & Fern Floral
615 6th Ave NW
(507) 405-0901
www.foxandfernfloral.com -
Gallery 24
611 N Broadway
(507) 226-8200
www.gallery24.org -
Garden Party Books
602 7th St NW
(507) 722-1533
www.gardenpartybooks.com -
Good Dog Camp
608 7th St NW
(507) 261-3913
www.gooddogcamp.com -
Gray Duck Theater
6th Ave NW
(507) 322-6465
www.grayducktheater.com -
Great Harvest Bread
706 N Broadway
(507 286-1101
www.greatharvestrochester.com -
Hannah Nails
20 6th St NW
(507) 322-6020
www.hannahnailsrochester.com -
Hidden World Vinyl Records
519 2nd Ave NW
(612) 328-5643
www.hiddenworldvinylrecords.com -
815 N Broadway
(507) 369-3343
www.hirshfields.com -
Holiday Gas Station
701 N Broadway
(507) 289-1463 -
Homes Plus Realty
9 9th St NE
(507) 358-3193 -
India Garden
1107 N Broadway
(507) 288-6280
www.facebook.com/indiagardenrochestermn -
International Nile Grocery & Coffee Shop
611 6th Ave NW
Julie's Hair Care
16 10th St NW
(507) 254-8349 -
406 N Broadway Ave
(507) 287-7301 -
Killian's Auto
1024 N Broadway
(507) 208-9222
facebook.com/kilianslubeexpress -
601 N Broadway
(507) 424-2636
www.kismetconsignment.biz -
Kitchen Concepts
1207 2nd Ave NW
(507) 285-1044
www.kitchenconceptsmn.com -
Kruse Lumber
111 7th St NE
(507) 288-2681
www.kruselumber.com -
Kung Fu Tea
1006 N Broadway
(507) 319-2659 -
Lakeside Dentistry
24 W Silver Lake Dr NE
(507) 282-8222
www.lakeside-dentistry.com -
The Landing MN
702 W Silver Lake Dr. NE
(507) 884-0423
www.thelandingmn.org -
Land O'Dreams
602 N Broadway Ave
(507) 289-0313
www.landodreams.com -
Lyle's Sales and Service
1315 N Broadway
(507) 289-5995
www.lylessalesandservice.com -
Majestic Events
522 6th Ave NW
(507) 273-9996
www.majestictents.com -
1116 N Broadway Ave
(507) 288-4454 -
Med City Detail
535 6th Ave NW
(507) 401-2791
www.medcitydetail.com -
Midas Auto Service
1225 N Broadway
(507) 218-2001 -
Midwest Firearms Groups LLC
1117 N Broadway
(507) 923-2009 -
Midwest Landing
609 4th St NW
(507) 398-5234 -
Minske Bait & Tackle
1117 N Broadway #1
(507) 289-2520
www.facebook.com/MinskeBait -
1023 N Broadway
(507) 282-6652 -
Nazarene Well House
47 13-1/2 St NW
(507) 282-6792
www.nazwellhouse.com -
Nickelson Painting
1204 N Broadway
(507) 316-3414
www.nickelsonpainting.com -
Northrop Community Education
201 8th St NW
(507) 328-4000
www.rochesterce.org -
North Star Bar
503 N Broadway
(507) 289-1091
www.northstarbar.net -
Oriental Massage
14 6th St NW
(507) 722-8966 -
Paul's Lock and Key
1303 N Broadway
(507) 289-063
www.paulslockandkey.com -
Pho Chau
1014 N Broadway
(507) 281-3342
www.phochaurochester.com -
Princess J Beauty
521 N Broadway #3
(507) 513-2461
www.facebook.com/PrincessJasmineBeauty -
Psimos Oral Surgery
1101 N Broadway
(507) 288-0126
www.psimosoralsurgery.com -
Real Deals
525 6th Ave NW
(507) 244-0609
www.realdeals.net -
Real Estate Directory
109 7th St NE
(507) 289-4505
www.rochesterrealestatedirectory.com -
Rochester Auto Mall
509 4th Ave NW
(507) 225-6611
www.rochesterautoonline.com -
Rochester Repertory Theater
103 7th St NE
(507) 289-1737
www.rochesterrep.org -
Rochester Rowing Club of Minnesota
710 W Silver Lake Dr. NE
(507) 722-1092
www.rrcmn.org -
Sacred Heart Studios
821 N Broadway
(507) 271-4954
www.sacredheartstudiosmn.com -
Safelite Autoglass
333 5th St NW
(585) 785-3034 -
Samaritan Bethany
24 8th St NW
(507) 289-4031
www.samaritanbethany.com -
Sherwin Williams
19 7th St NE
(507) 288-8913 -
Silver Lake Boat & Bicycle Rentals
800 W Silver Lake Dr. NE
(507) 481-8139 -
Smart Choice Health Care
4 12th St NW
(507) 258-5050
www.smartchoicehealthcare.com -
Southpoint Motors
10 7th St NE
(507) 280-9714
www.southpointmotors.com -
Sue Madden Insurance Agency
State Farm Insurance
914 N Broadway
(507) 281-0100
www.suemadden.com -
Struve Paint
501 N Broadway
(507) 282-2660
www.struvepaint.com -
Taco Bell
516 N Broadway
(507) 282-1868 -
Taqueria Mi Puebla Food Cart
Great Harvest parking lot
706 N Broadway
(507) 213-4081 -
Thee Only Shoe Repair
908 N Broadway
(507) 289-2932
www.theeonlyshoerepair.net -
Trester Tailor
521 N Broadway
(507) 316-0631
www.trestertailor.com -
Werkstatt European Auto Service
522 6th Ave NW
(507) 258-6342
www.werkstatt533.com -
Zastrow & Zastrow
Zumbro Valley Health Center
29 7th St NE
(507) 289-2089